This website calculates the variation in general prices in US dollars for goods and services in the Argentine economy based on the exchange rate type, initial date, and final date provided by the user. The formula also uses the dollar price corresponding to those dates and exchange rate type, and the information provided by INDEC regarding inflation in pesos. If part or all of the time interval for which you want to find out the inflation in dollars lacks the official inflation data in pesos, the projected consumer inflation data provided by the BCRA in the Market Expectations Survey (REM) report will be used as a substitute for computing the accumulated inflation in pesos for that period.
Since this number is an estimate, the precision of the dollar inflation computation could potentially be affected if the chosen interval largely or entirely coincides with a period for which the IPC data is not yet known, especially in scenarios of macroeconomic instability where inflation expectations may significantly deviate from the actual value of the variable in question. Please note that IPC stands for the Consumer Price Index, which is the official tracker of inflation in pesos by governmental institutions.
The sources of information for the creation of the dollar price database used in the mathematical formula that computes inflation in dollars are:
The 'basic formula' used in the computation is:
Inflation in dollars = ((final price in dollars - initial price in dollars) / initial price in dollars) * 100
Final price in dollars = final price in pesos / final dollar exchange rate
Initial price in pesos = 1
Initial price in dollars = initial price in pesos / initial dollar exchange rate
Substituting the variables mentioned above into the 'basic formula', we obtain the following alternative formula:
Inflation in dollars = (final price in pesos * initial dollar exchange rate / final dollar exchange rate - 1) * 100
The 'final price in pesos' is calculated geometrically based on the information from IPC-INDEC and, if necessary, also from REM-BCRA. Depending on the time interval selected by the user (initial and final dates), whether it corresponds to two dates within the same month and year (e.g., December 12, 2023, to December 26, 2023), dates corresponding to consecutive months (e.g., December 12, 2019, to January 14, 2020), or dates that do not fit into either of the two aforementioned criteria (e.g., March 6, 2019, to May 5, 2024), the formula used to obtain the 'final price in pesos' will be different.
Note: Currently, the application uses the 'opening price' of the dollar as a reference for the exchange rate on the initial date and the "closing price" for the exchange rate corresponding to the final date of the selected time interval.